Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I am part of the 48% of Americans who believe that aliens from outer space have and are visiting our planet Earth. There are many conspiracies that surround the theory of extraterrestrial beings and their purpose here. Most of us heard about the government's top-secret programs such as Project Blue Book, Operation:Paperclip, Majestic, the infamous Area 51 and the notorious Roswell crash. These stories still hold a certain mystery, allure of deception and a curiosity of the unknown to many of us today. I mean there are thousands of supposed UFO sighting on YouTube and even more websites dedicated to this phenomenon. One that I will give full accreditation to is MUFON. I will share my 2 theories in a attempt to explain my outlook on the existence of aliens.

Evolution:Fabric of Time
As prehistoric cavemen...we wandered, searching for food, shelter and then began our journey to discover the most prestigious of elements...fire! This was our way for centuries upon centuries. Just imagine with me that if you take that same evolutionary gap from our age of Cro-Magnon man and stretch it to our current state of civilized existence, I would roughly measure this linear fiber of time to be approximately 2 million years.

Now here's where the tripped out part comes into play, if you were to flip that timeline ahead starting at today and go forward in time, using modern man (Homo Genus) as the starting point, I envision our physical state, this carbon being would ultimately change it's conditional shape after 2 million years of evolution. I believe the form our bodies would take on, is what we now call aliens,... greys, ... or E.T.'s. But if you question that since we have evolved into our current bodies after 2 million years, starting from a neanderthal, wouldn't we evolve even faster in the thousands of years to come? Maybe the Greys are who we are destined to be and this change will happen in about 1/4 of a million years per say, who knows..except maybe them?!? If you stop and look how "remote" our lives are becoming, you may be able to see what I mean. We have become smarter, we use less physical force to manage physical situations, 10 years ago there was not a computer in almost every home and a cell phone for each member of the family. The future is being forged as we speak. Will all these radio waves, unseen frequencies and signals play a role on what we evolve into? Are they somehow altering our DNA?

Evolution is always defying the boundaries beyond any comprehensive understanding.

The Chimpanzee Theory
In basic terms, we get into our transportation vehicles, and let's say as scientists we want to do some tests on chimps we find in the wild. We drive these vehicles, with our weapons in hand. Let's say for this experiment it is a rifle loaded with tranquilizers. We find the chimp of choice, fire a tranquilizer dart into the chimp, rendering it paralyzed. Then we cage this species we are set to bring back to our laboratories and run scientific tests on. After many tests on studying different medicines, vaccines, viruses we inject into the chimp's physical system, we urgently await the results of our experiemnts. Then while studying and recording its effects on the chimp's anatomy, we use what data we find to further our study and culture what discoveries we feel may be admissible breakthroughs for the future of scientific research.

Then when the experiments are complete, if the chimp survives, we tag the animal and return it to its habitat.

Now, ...let's say for a moment that WE are the chimps...and the aliens are US.

I feel the same premise can be used to describe Alien Abductions. In short; find, shoot, acquire, test, record, dispose.

For Example:
transportation vehicle=alien spacecraft
tranquilizer rifle=gravity control paralyzer ray
cage=membrane suspension orb/ memory erasing technology
laboratories=on board testing rooms
returned to habitat=alien abduction reports e.g. Travis Walton
non-survival from testing=missing persons ads ???

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